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Kind of magnitude for observable curve of SN 1948B: Visual mag + ( "Delta Magnitudes" = 0 mag).

Parameters for Supernova 1948B
Julian Dates and Magnitudes at (Primary) Maximums
JD(Umax)Umax JD(Bmax)Bmax JD(Vmax)Vmax JD(Rmax)Rmax JD(Imax)Imax
- - 2432735 14.7 - - - - - -

Julian Dates and Magnitudes in Secondary Maximums, if present
JD(S.Umax)S.Umax JD(S.Bmax)S.Bmax JD(S.Vmax)S.Vmax JD(S.Rmax)S.Rmax JD(S.Imax)S.Imax
- - - - - - - - - -

Distances (H0=75 km/(s Mpc))
Dist (Mpc) Dist (Kpc) Dist.module Cepheid dist.module SBF Dist.module
5.5000000 5500.000000 - - -

E(B-V) total E(B-V) Galaxy E(B-V) host galaxy
- 0.342 -

Adopted Parameters for Supernova 1948B
All adopted parameters
Value Name of Parameter
5500 Distance in kpc (kiloparsecs!)
0.342 E(B-V)_Gal
2432735 Julian Date of B max
14.7 B max (not corrected for extinction)

All Parameters In Detail for Supernova 1948B
Julian Date of B max
Adopted (weighted average) value of the parameter
Id Supernova Adopted value Uncertainty Name of parameter
549 1948B 2432735 Julian Date of B max
All values for the parameter in LC Database
Id Value Uncert. Adopted? Ids of values to be averaged Ref.Id Comments
549 2432735 - 1 - 1613 -
1613 N.N.Pavlyuk, D.Yu.Tsvetkov, 2007 - 2009, SAI supernova data, compilation for SN light curve database

B max (not corrected for extinction)
Adopted (weighted average) value of the parameter
Id Supernova Adopted value Uncertainty Name of parameter
550 1948B 14.7 B max (not corrected for extinction)
All values for the parameter in LC Database
Id Value Uncert. Adopted? Ids of values to be averaged Ref.Id Comments
550 14.7 - 1 - 1613 -
1613 N.N.Pavlyuk, D.Yu.Tsvetkov, 2007 - 2009, SAI supernova data, compilation for SN light curve database

Distance in kpc (kiloparsecs!)
Adopted (weighted average) value of the parameter
Id Supernova Adopted value Uncertainty Name of parameter
8184 1948B 5500 Distance in kpc (kiloparsecs!)
All values for the parameter in LC Database
Id Value Uncert. Adopted? Ids of values to be averaged Ref.Id Comments
2832 4520 - - - 1614 -
8184 5500 - 1 - 1514 -
1514 Tully, "Nearby Galaxies Catalog", 1988
1614 NED's Virgo infall velocity / 75 km/s Mpc

Adopted (weighted average) value of the parameter
Id Supernova Adopted value Uncertainty Name of parameter
6801 1948B 0.342 E(B-V)_Gal
All values for the parameter in LC Database
Id Value Uncert. Adopted? Ids of values to be averaged Ref.Id Comments
6801 0.342 - 1 - 1615 -
1615 Schlegel et al. , 1998, E(B-V) in Our Galaxy (taken from NED)

Light Curve Points
Julian DateGregorian Day Magnitude Id ReferenceReference Text
2432741.9Jul 9, 1948 9h35m14.88 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432744.3Jul 11, 1948 19h11m14.99 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432745.9Jul 13, 1948 9h35m15.1 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432755.8Jul 23, 1948 7h11m15.44 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432766.2Aug 2, 1948 16h48m15.21 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432769.2Aug 5, 1948 16h48m15.44 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432769.5Aug 5, 1948 24h0m15.82 11P.Tempesti, Bologna Pubbl., 5,6,1948
2432770.4Aug 6, 1948 21h35m16.12 11P.Tempesti, Bologna Pubbl., 5,6,1948
2432772.2Aug 8, 1948 16h48m15.82 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432773.2Aug 9, 1948 16h48m15.44 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432775.3Aug 11, 1948 19h11m15.21 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432779Aug 15, 1948 12h0m15.44 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432782Aug 18, 1948 12h0m15.32 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432785.2Aug 21, 1948 16h48m15.82 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432788.4Aug 24, 1948 21h35m16.12 11P.Tempesti, Bologna Pubbl., 5,6,1948
2432789.2Aug 25, 1948 16h48m15.44 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432789.4Aug 25, 1948 21h35m16.22 11P.Tempesti, Bologna Pubbl., 5,6,1948
2432794.3Aug 30, 1948 19h11m16.22 11P.Tempesti, Bologna Pubbl., 5,6,1948
2432796.2Sep 1, 1948 16h48m15.32 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432806.3Sep 11, 1948 19h11m15.1 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432818.1Sep 23, 1948 14h24m17.17 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432822.5Sep 27, 1948 24h0m17.27 11P.Tempesti, Bologna Pubbl., 5,6,1948
2432824.1Sep 29, 1948 14h24m17.17 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432824.5Sep 29, 1948 24h0m17.49 11P.Tempesti, Bologna Pubbl., 5,6,1948
2432829.5Oct 4, 1948 24h0m17.61 11P.Tempesti, Bologna Pubbl., 5,6,1948
2432832.9Oct 8, 1948 9h35m17.27 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432836.5Oct 11, 1948 24h0m17.85 11P.Tempesti, Bologna Pubbl., 5,6,1948
2432846.2Oct 21, 1948 16h48m17.27 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432852.3Oct 27, 1948 19h11m17.63 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432860.5Nov 4, 1948 24h0m17.97 11P.Tempesti, Bologna Pubbl., 5,6,1948
2432885.2Nov 29, 1948 16h48m17.54 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949
2432909.3Dec 23, 1948 19h11m18.19 11P.Tempesti, Bologna Pubbl., 5,6,1948
2432915.1Dec 29, 1948 14h24m17.87 10N.Mayall, R.Sill, PASP, 61,97,1949

(C) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Sternberg Astronomical Institute Supernova Group, Moscow, Russia (MSU, SAI)

Supported by grants of RFBR (13-02-92119), "Scientific Schools of Russia (3458.2010.2)".

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